Archive for the ‘Employers’ Category

5 Ways to Make Your Employees Productive

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

Your employees want to work hard for the company and produce results that blow your mind, but they need your help to do it. As a business owner or manager, surely you recognize that your employees are one of your most valuable assets, and because of this, it’s important to focus on ways to help them stay productive.


1. Motivate, Recognize and Appreciate : When you give your employees tasks, let them know that their work is meaningful, and demonstrate how it contributes to the overall success of the business. Be a cheerleader for your employees by motivating them to accomplish their daily tasks and to complete big projects. Celebrate successes in the company newsletter or on the company blog. Bonuses and appreciation lunches are also a good way to say “thanks.”


2. Show Your Trust: The best way to show your employees that you trust them is to delegate a task and let them do it without standing over their shoulders. Avoid micromanaging and trust that your employees will come to you if they run into a problem or have questions. Remember, you hired them because you were impressed by their knowledge, skills and attitude.


3. Ask for Feedback and Ideas: Make constant communication a priority, whether you have two employees or two floors of employees. Encourage employees to share ideas freely without fear of being ridiculed. Create various ways to communicate such as through wikis, internal blogs, newsletters, meetings.


4. Make Growth a Priority: One of the best rewards you can give your employees is an opportunity to grow within the company. From mentoring to them to trusting them with larger tasks, groom employees so that they learn the ins and outs of the company. Promote those employees who show their dedication and ability to complete a task effectively and ahead of the deadline. Give employees a chance to explore different aspects of the company to help identify their strengths and weaknesses.


5. Smile and Say Good Morning: Start the day with a smile and “good morning” to get your employees ready for the work day. Your attitude can help shape the mood and attitude of the workplace. A positive, productive day starts with you.

Saying ‘I do’ to a staffing agency

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017


Job vacancies leave employers scrambling to secure skilled self-starters who can easily adapt to their work environments. From posting openings on job boards to asking current employees to refer potential candidates, trying to fulfill a role is time consuming, and let’s face it, the whole process can be a bit frustrating.


Don’t overlook a highly beneficial way to get talent in your door – say, ‘I do’ to staffing agencies and fill your vacancies with new talent. Designed to help employers trek through recruitment and hiring with ease, hand your hiring woes over to a staffing agency if you want to:


1. Save Time
Staffing agencies save you time by working to promote your job vacancies using their well-developed resources and networks. You simply hand over your job description, information about your company and a description of the type of employee you desire to fill your role. Rather than posting endlessly on multiple job boards, you can get back to running your business.


2. Get Pre-Qualified Applicants
Imagine this scenario: You post a job opening and your inbox, mailbox and fax machine get bombarded with resumes, cover letters and references from potential hires. You get excited thinking your dream employee must be hiding in the stacks, only to find out (after hours of reviewing resumes) that none of the applicants fit your immediate needs. Staffing agencies pre-qualify applicants by matching their work experience, knowledge and skills with the information you give them about your job vacancy and your ideal employee. So they’ll only give you resumes and applications for employees who fit the mold. You reduce the amount of time you spend sifting through resumes and get right down to business – interviewing pre-qualified potential employees.


3. Benefit from Industry Specific Networks
It’s especially important to reach potential employees who have previous experience and education in the industry you serve, that’s why it’s increasingly important to recruit through industry specific networks. Today, there are many staffing agencies that focus on recruiting talent for specialized fields including marketing, IT and financial services. These staffing agencies understand the industry and know what it takes to staff positions within it, so they make employers’ jobs easier when they help with recruiting process.

Effective Ways to Provide Feedback

Friday, October 27th, 2017


If you’re waiting for quarterly or annual reviews to provide your employees valuable feedback, you may be doing a disservice to your employees and your company. While you don’t have to take your employees for coffee every day to review their progress, it’s important to provide them with feedback on a regular basis. Providing feedback can keep employees focused, motivated and gives them a sense of truly belonging to the company. As a result, they may be more inclined to contribute to your company’s overall growth and success.


Check Your Attitude
Giving employees feedback isn’t always an exciting task for a manager. When an employee performs poorly on a task, or isn’t meeting his goals, you may not be in the best mood when you sit down to provide feedback. Check your attitude first to ensure that you’re ready to provide honest, constructive feedback. This way, you can avoid conflict and accomplish more.


Find a Way to Communicate
Feedback doesn’t always have to be a sit down conversation. Sometimes, a simple email to say “thanks” or to recognize contributions to a project are enough to show employees that you appreciate their efforts. Email is a great tool when providing good feedback, but if an employee’s performance is unfavorable, avoid sending an email, since it’s easy to misinterpret the tone of a message.


Emails, instant messages and handwritten letters don’t have the same effect as old fashioned, face-to-face communication. Schedule a coffee meeting, invite your employee out to lunch or schedule an in-office meeting when you want to provide feedback. If that feels too formal, stop by your employees desk to say, “great job in the meeting today” or “the report you gave me covered everything I needed” or just to say “thank you for your contributions”.


Be Direct and Specific
Give it to your employees straight and leave the fluff behind. Your employees will respect and appreciate your feedback more, if you’re direct and able to provide them with specific examples. General statements about performance won’t help employees make improvements.


Give Suggestions
Not only do your employees want to hear how you feel about their performance, they’d also like to know how they can make improvements. Offer recommendations that will help employees grow and advance within the company.

Startup Hiring – What It Takes To Hire Great Candidates

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

There’s no debate over the fact that not all job seekers are startup material. With high demands, hectic, unpredictable work schedules, ever-changing job responsibilities and in many cases minimal resources, it’s important to recruit talent that’s dedicated to growing the business and cultivating relationships with their co-workers.


Talk to Your Team


Before you add talent to your team, identify your startup’s work culture. You may need to sit with your current partners and employees to identify the company’s core values, priorities and communication styles. Make a clear plan for the tasks and responsibilities new team members will have (although other responsibilities are sure to fall on his plate).


Ask for Experience


Ask candidates about their work history, including volunteer and freelance work. Did they head up any projects? If so, find out how they lead their teams. The most successful startup hires typically have the most unconventional relevant experience and are self-starters who can also work well in a team. Pay close attention to candidates who have worked with startup companies in the past, as job seekers who have worked for startups are familiar with the culture and may be able to adapt better to the work environment. Don’t forget to ask candidates why they left their previous roles. Make sure you hire talent that’s not in search of the next big opportunity. Focus on creating a startup team that’s loyal and dedicated to seeing the startup grow.


Look for Passion


Experience isn’t everything. A great candidate has passion and she’s not afraid to show it. Candidates who have researched your startup and industry before the interview, and who come to the interview ready to share ideas and ask questions may be a good fit for your startup.


Pay Attention to Attitude


Startup employees work closely with fellow employees, founders and investors to help grow the startup. Since startup success largely depends on team work, a “can do” attitude is a must. Great candidates don’t mind getting their hands dirty doing tasks that fall outside of their formal job descriptions.


Take a Test Drive


Bring your final round of candidates into the office to participate in a meeting with team members and founders. See how they gel with the group and the environment. Have members of the startup spend some time talking to them and getting to know them. Another good option is to have the candidate start working as a contractor before you make your final hiring decision


What are some key characteristics you look for when recruiting talent?