Startup Hiring – What It Takes To Hire Great Candidates

There’s no debate over the fact that not all job seekers are startup material. With high demands, hectic, unpredictable work schedules, ever-changing job responsibilities and in many cases minimal resources, it’s important to recruit talent that’s dedicated to growing the business and cultivating relationships with their co-workers.


Talk to Your Team


Before you add talent to your team, identify your startup’s work culture. You may need to sit with your current partners and employees to identify the company’s core values, priorities and communication styles. Make a clear plan for the tasks and responsibilities new team members will have (although other responsibilities are sure to fall on his plate).


Ask for Experience


Ask candidates about their work history, including volunteer and freelance work. Did they head up any projects? If so, find out how they lead their teams. The most successful startup hires typically have the most unconventional relevant experience and are self-starters who can also work well in a team. Pay close attention to candidates who have worked with startup companies in the past, as job seekers who have worked for startups are familiar with the culture and may be able to adapt better to the work environment. Don’t forget to ask candidates why they left their previous roles. Make sure you hire talent that’s not in search of the next big opportunity. Focus on creating a startup team that’s loyal and dedicated to seeing the startup grow.


Look for Passion


Experience isn’t everything. A great candidate has passion and she’s not afraid to show it. Candidates who have researched your startup and industry before the interview, and who come to the interview ready to share ideas and ask questions may be a good fit for your startup.


Pay Attention to Attitude


Startup employees work closely with fellow employees, founders and investors to help grow the startup. Since startup success largely depends on team work, a “can do” attitude is a must. Great candidates don’t mind getting their hands dirty doing tasks that fall outside of their formal job descriptions.


Take a Test Drive


Bring your final round of candidates into the office to participate in a meeting with team members and founders. See how they gel with the group and the environment. Have members of the startup spend some time talking to them and getting to know them. Another good option is to have the candidate start working as a contractor before you make your final hiring decision


What are some key characteristics you look for when recruiting talent?

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