Saying ‘I do’ to a staffing agency


Job vacancies leave employers scrambling to secure skilled self-starters who can easily adapt to their work environments. From posting openings on job boards to asking current employees to refer potential candidates, trying to fulfill a role is time consuming, and let’s face it, the whole process can be a bit frustrating.


Don’t overlook a highly beneficial way to get talent in your door – say, ‘I do’ to staffing agencies and fill your vacancies with new talent. Designed to help employers trek through recruitment and hiring with ease, hand your hiring woes over to a staffing agency if you want to:


1. Save Time
Staffing agencies save you time by working to promote your job vacancies using their well-developed resources and networks. You simply hand over your job description, information about your company and a description of the type of employee you desire to fill your role. Rather than posting endlessly on multiple job boards, you can get back to running your business.


2. Get Pre-Qualified Applicants
Imagine this scenario: You post a job opening and your inbox, mailbox and fax machine get bombarded with resumes, cover letters and references from potential hires. You get excited thinking your dream employee must be hiding in the stacks, only to find out (after hours of reviewing resumes) that none of the applicants fit your immediate needs. Staffing agencies pre-qualify applicants by matching their work experience, knowledge and skills with the information you give them about your job vacancy and your ideal employee. So they’ll only give you resumes and applications for employees who fit the mold. You reduce the amount of time you spend sifting through resumes and get right down to business – interviewing pre-qualified potential employees.


3. Benefit from Industry Specific Networks
It’s especially important to reach potential employees who have previous experience and education in the industry you serve, that’s why it’s increasingly important to recruit through industry specific networks. Today, there are many staffing agencies that focus on recruiting talent for specialized fields including marketing, IT and financial services. These staffing agencies understand the industry and know what it takes to staff positions within it, so they make employers’ jobs easier when they help with recruiting process.

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